Latest Book: Let’s Try Dowsing

I’m pleased to announce that the revised and updated edition of Let’s Try Dowsing is now live on that there Amazon!


Le blurb: Whether you are simply curious about the art of dowsing or are looking to make dowsing a part of your deeper spiritual journey, this book will give you the basic foundation skills to get started.

You will find tips on how to centre yourself and ask the best questions, how to make and dowse with pendulums, rods and forked twigs, how to make and use dowsing answer boards to give greater context to your enquiries, and when you’re ready to try things out, there’s a selection of dowsing exercises you can use to hone your skills.

You’ll also find information on the fascinating history of dowsing and how it is used in modern times along with some resources to take your studies further.

Let’s Try Dowsing is available in kindle format for £1.99 from Amazon or in paperback format from Tarot4You at various events in Berkshire, Hampshire and surrounding areas!